Show time!

So Dassah and I have been prepping for our first show of the season. Actually our first show together that's more than a schooling show - and my first formal show since 4-H (11 years to be exact). Thankfully I don't have the nerves and naïveté that was my reality 11 years ago.
We'll be taking the USDF Intro tests B and C in Saturday (8:35 and 9:30) and then on Sunday we're signed up for walk-trot ground poles. I aim to throw in a cross-rails class and an 18 inch class too. I really don't care at all how this weekend goes, I want to ride my pony and show - I want to get out and do things, have fun, make me proud of my horse and myself (for the record, I'm just tickled pink to watch her head pop out over her stall door). I think just being here is awesome and she's settled in so easily and casually that I think we have a win already.

Doesn't hurt that she has hay in front of her face.


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