Dassah gets a tune-up

Fab Trainer Laura is coming in from FL to do a tune-up for Dassah and I tomorrow. The single-jointed loose-ring snaffle will be evaluated too. I always thought D would prefer a double-jointed since it's innately gentler than a single-jointed but this is a JP Korsteel so it's nicely rounded to fit the mold of a horse's mouth. Fingers crossed Laura approves!

Also hopefully we'll figure out this shoulder-in and canter departures. D's a lot more comfortable with her canter now that we've really been schooling it, she still tends to throw herself into it. While sitting the departure from the trot I'm trying to rock my hips in the manner of cantering so that she understands what I want, rather than straight up kissing and urging her on with just my legs. This has been the video I am trying to emulate as it's the first that I've come across that I get:



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